Monday, May 19, 2008

Some Assembly Required.

My sister's here! I love my sister. She's cute and sweet and funny. And we're watching Scrubs. I was working and she's doing... something. Taking a test, I think she said.

I hate lawn mowers. I do. My lawn needs mowed. Badly. I know that. Yesterday I was finally able to afford one (and my boyfriend's Grandma can't give me one of their extras as it doesn't work).

Melody and I spent about thirty minutes trying to put it together last night. I know that barely sounds like an attempt, but we were stuck. The nuts and bolts and screws were wrong and not fitting and then, when we tried to attach the handles, they were too big. As in too wide. As in there was no way to get it to fit. Really, there isn't.

From now on, I'm not going to purchase anything, anything, unless it has no assembly required. Some assembly required? No. Not going to work. It's just not. Not unless I have a boy around who can put it together and magically, voila, I can use it.

Assembly required sucks.


Unknown said...

That's what dads are for.

Anonymous said...

What a great moment of reading blogs.