Friday, February 8, 2008

Kingston Falls: Making a Video For MTV

My boyfriend has a friend, Josh, who for as long as Mike can remember, has wanted to be in a band. Now, Josh is in a heavy metal and pop christian band with Bill, Brent, Josiah, and Nate; Kingston Falls. (In the pic, the band members from left to right are Bill, Josh, Nate, Josiah and Brent.) All the band members are from the Goshen area, which I think is even cooler.

Last Saturday, Mike and I were able to participate in helping the band make a music video
for their "fun song." Frankly, I'm not much of a heavy metal fan, but I really loved their music. Loved it. (You can here the clip of their songs at their website: If I knew how to upload it to this site, I totally would. Unfortunately, I'm technologically incompetent.

I've never made a (real) music video before. I mean, like most people (I imagine, at least) I went around making a "music video" to a song I liked or whatever. (Laurie and I chose um... oh dear, don't remember which song, right now. Probably a good thing. That thing... wow, run for cover.)

Anyway, it was a lot of fun to make the video for Kingston Falls - and a lot of work.

I also really liked the band members. They were all nice, down to earth people who were friendly, sincere, smiled a lot and were really interesting conversationalists.

There were TONS of people in the shots we did (a house party) and it was sooooo much fun. And really really hot. Those light things... they're hot. And expensive. The tech guys kept telling us not to touch them, "They'll burn your skin off." We believed them.

We took tons of shots, focusing on each of the band members, us throwing cups at them, and all other kinds of cool things. Evidently, there's one scene with Josiah, when he has a

In any case, I had a good time, and you should check out your website - and look for Kingston Falls, especially when they hit MTV.

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